Walston Psychiatric Health Services
Adult, Pediatric, Adolescents, and Families
Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday By Appointment Only
Sunday By appointment only
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ADHD, defined as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder and one of the most common developmental disorders affecting children today. ADHD is not isolated to children; many adults carry the weight of diagnosed and undiagnosed ADHD as well. Children diagnosed with ADHD experience a number of symptoms including: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Children with ADHD often struggle academically and are more likely to have a formal learning disorder or co-occurring mental health disorder (e.g., anxiety or depression). Some children with ADHD have related behavior problems and can become contrarian and defiant.
Like many other mental health issues, ADHD can cause other challenges in life, including physical and mental health problems, relationship problems, substance abuse and alcohol problems, school problems and work and financial problems.
ADHD is divided into three different types:
ADHD, Predominately Inattentive Type
Concentration and attention problems for specific tasks
Frequently switching from one activity to another
Easily distracted and missing details
Becoming bored easily (except when doing something enjoyable)
Trouble following directions
Losing things and being forgetful
Difficulty learning new material and staying organized
Moving slowly or processing information slowly
Difficulty with attention to detail and learning new material
ADHD, Predominately Hyperactive-Impulsive Type
Interrupting, blurting out or persistent talking
Fidgeting, squirming or restlessness
Acting out of turn or reacting (verbally or physically) without thinking of consequences
Having difficulty engaging in slow or quiet activities
Experiencing enjoyment or pleasure by being overstimulated or overly excited
Being Impatient
ADHD, Combined Type
Disturbances in inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity to varying degrees.
Proper diagnosis and treatment is essential for lasting and meaningful change. Specific state of the art objective and standardized testing measures are needed to identify the correct diagnosis and to identify or rule out other conditions (a learning disorder, auditory processing disorder, anxiety, depression, etc.). We acknowledge that many parents are reluctant to begin medication as a first line of treatment and prefer instead to engage in therapy initially, and at times therapy without medication may be the best treatment approach. Medication is warranted in some cases, and research studies have shown the effectiveness of such treatment for ADHD.
The doctors and clinicians at Walston Health Services successfully assess and treat individuals with ADHD. We take a personalized approach to caring for ADHD and will determine what treatment plan works best for the patient's unique needs.